Love for patterns 3

Here we go again! Last photos with these pantyhose. We were playing around with a manual external flash. Some photos came out really nice some not so great but overall I’m really happy about everything. Next post you will see what I think are one of the sexiest patterned pantyhose I have seen and without saying she wears them good! But till next time enjoy these 🙂

About The Author


Fashion mama


  1. phphotao | 27th Sep 13

    wow wow, excellent flashes!

  2. Anonymous | 3rd Oct 13

    I love the pantyhose .. they are so interesting. Can't wait to see the next post and "… the sexiest patterned pantyhose I have seen …" … and I thought these pantyhose were sexy!!

    BTY, love your pictures …

  3. Anonymous | 10th Dec 13

    A pic of yours was posted in Tumblr and I decided to check your site out, because it was seriously hot. So I found your page and opened this set. First I was like "OMG, dem pantyhose pics" but then "Doesn't those pines look a lot like common finnish pines… and those traffic signs look awfully familiar too" 😀

    Hienoja kuvia, jatkakaa samaan malliin!

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