The garden of the rising sun

Probably you have noticed, I am obsessed with cherry trees. Hopefully, you will like these trees as we do with Mikko. Spring has just started to be on the peak in Finland and I got so crazy looking for the beautiful places where cherry trees are located. Trust me, we don’t have them in every corner and usually the government of the town is responsible for their growing and taking care of.
Mikko has bought motor bike Triumph not long ago. You might have seen the picture of it in our instagram. So, one one of our family rides we noticed a beautiful park of cherry trees hidden behind the High school building. It turned out that the park is the garden under the protection of this school and represents Japanese garden. Such kind of garden includes rocks which represent water. And for sure you will find sakura, we know it by name of cherry tree. When you are within the nature you can embrace its beauty and appreciate this moment..

TIGHTS: Dotsy by Gatta
SHOES: Bianca by Christian Louboutin
COAT: Mango

Dotsy by Gatta

About The Author


Fashion mama


  1. oascotty | 13th May 15

    Other than the black and white repeat photos, this is a nice set. The cherry trees add a very nice detail in the background.

  2. | 13th May 15

    Thank you so much! I love these cherry trees<3

  3. Fernando Luis Toncich | 14th May 15

    Hi Mary, I too love sakura, as you like movies I wanted to tell you that you can find these flowers in " The Last Samurai " with Tom Cruise .
    Regarding today's photos are beautiful just as it is the place you found.
    The beautiful and as always mean you will look much more!

  4. Fernando Luis Toncich | 14th May 15

    I apologize , often appear mine deleted comments , it happens that I have to use google translator ( I do not speak English ) and so make mistakes that will appear as comments removed …

    • | 19th May 15

      It's ok, Fernando! Anyway, with Google translator your sentences are really well structured and understood. Where are you from? Thank you for the film suggestion! xoxo Maria

  5. majka.takacova789 | 14th May 15

    Nice outfit but I personally dont like patterned tights. But those are really nice 🙂
    Do you think you could do a post where you layer pantyhose?


    • | 19th May 15

      Thank you Majka! Frankly speaking, I wasn't a fan of pattern tights either but recently I started to explore and try and I really like it. Pattern tights make the look even more romantic (for sure it depends on the tights but in most cases this is what I am looking for). Layered pantyhose I wear in winter when it's really cold. xoxo M.

  6. rclosure | 14th May 15

    Those are extremely sexy. And I love your shoes.

  7. Kessel Marc | 19th May 15

    Hi Maria !
    First of all, love the shoes!
    Generally, I'm not a fan of dottet tights, but this one… Omg, I love the way in which the size of the dots are all different.
    They are not all small, not all big, that's a really nice idea. like a leopard :).
    I'm excited to see your next shooting ;).
    I didn't know this brand (GATTA), it doesn't exist in Belgium or Germany :/.

    • | 19th May 15

      Thank you, Marc!
      Gatta is Polish brand, I am not sure if they are sold in Belgium or Germany but you can definitely get them on-line. Frankly speaking, our camera has been recently broken and we are searching to buy a new one with new lenses. I hope we can do some more posts soon) Thank you for keeping up<3

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