Bebiboo babynest

Baby boy!

Hi! I am so excited to share with you the news that our baby boy Max was born 25.10.2017. You might have seen my latest news on my instagram account, anyway it is good to announce here!

Max is our first child and everything is so new to us. We are learning both from him and he is learning from us. He had been growing inside me for 9 months and my belly has been so comfortable for him. Now when he is outside his comfortable ‘belly home’. We started to use babynest for his day and night sleep. There are certain reasons why babynest is essential for a baby, especially in his first days. The main reason is that baby can feel safe like in mother’s belly and will sleep sweeter and longer<3 

Finnish quality

If you live in Finland you will use mostly Finnish-made products. It is logical in two ways: firstly, you support Finnish industry, and secondly, products which are made in Finland are often of high-quality and very safe. That’s why we were so excited to partner with Finnish brand bebiboo for this post.

Why Bebiboo?

There are certain advantages of using babynest and safety is the most essential. Bebiboo is made of high-quality allergy-free materials and bebiboo can be washed in the washing machine, except the mattress, it doesn’t need to be washed – it can be easily taken of the nest and it is waterproof! Babynest boadrs are made of ecological material and are breathable. Since Max was born in the hospital we started to use this babynest there and he really enjoyed it.


Now at home he is sleeping in rattan bed next to us in our room. We use bebiboo for his bed. When he will grow up we plan to  move him to his bigger bed in his room and continue using babynest. Max looks so cute and comfy in his babynest, when he will grow up we will open babynest’s bottom ends for his legs. Hopefully, he will be as tall as mommy and daddy<3

If you are as excited  about bebiboo as we are with Max, you may purchase it using my -20% discount mypantyhose .

Bebiboo babynest

About The Author



  1. randy | 15th Nov 17

    Awww enjoy your little bundle of joy congrats.

  2. Pier | 20th Nov 17

    Welcome to Max and Congratulations to both of you!

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