Nursing with PIILO

I am so excited about Christmas and especially the time of waiting for Christmas. Holidays are getting closer and it is time to get prepared for this magical time. On one of the winter days we went with Max for Christmas shopping to Helsinki center. As Max is just over one month old we usually go for a walk maximum for couple hours to come back home on time to next feeding. I have never nursed him in the public before.

Breastfeeding in public is very hot topic and many people have different opinions about it. When you become a mom and your baby is hungry, nothing stops you to start nursing your baby straight away. Some people can be staring and some may feel uncomfortable about it. I have my own philosophical point of view about this: do your own business without disturbing others. For this you need to be well equipped.

I am very excited to partner for this post with Finnish brand PIILO which produces special cover for nursing, it is some kind of shield for breast when feeding baby which gives own space for mom and baby. The product is easily attached to bra straps and can be covered under the clothing. There are various colors of piilo, I personally chose snow white color as it goes with most of my styles.

When we were with Max outside for Christmas shopping, it took us long enough for him to get hungry. There are very well equipped baby rooms in shopping centers in Finland, though they are not always on the way and baby cannot wait. We used piilo the first time then and it turned out to be very useful. Since then when we go out I put piilo on.



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  1. Ribbedtights | 11th Apr 18

    Firstly, I just want to say how stunning you look after the arrival of Max. You look like a radiant mother!

    Now the “hot topic” … nursing in public. For me, nursing in public is the most natural thing in the world. I don’t understand how people can be offended, or even object. This PIILO covering (and I have seen others also) is beautifully discreet. I hope the haters come around and understand how beautiful and natural and necessary nursing is, be it at hoe or in public.

    Great topic and well done!

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