Gender reveal – baby 2

How we got known about..

Last week I had a visit to my doctor and it was 2 days before screening. I knew that my doctor has her screening equipment and she could tell the gender beforehand. She checked me, I saw our little cute pie but…. she couldn’t tell the gender and I was on 19+6 weeks. With my first pregnancy she told me we had a boy. And even I could see it when she showed. Then I was on the 18th week of pregnancy. So, my doctor told me that her machine is good but not so good to see the gender. She told me when I go on my planned screening in 2 days, I will definitely know.


I started to be nervous if everything is ok, what if there is no gender. My doctor told me it is not possible, just sometimes baby are shy and don’t want to show and her equipment can’t see, although she tried to roll me around in different positions. It started to be excited and I was so eager to know. I don’t know how people handle gender reveal parties, I can’t. Although, we had such an idea to plan. Finally, we decided to make the same gender reveal as with Max in 2017.


So when we went to our planned screening all together. Mikko took a day from work for this occasion and we took Max with us. Firstly, our doctor checked baby, everything was good and later I noticed that baby is smaller than Max by this time when Max was in my belly, not much but a little. Then doctor asked us, if we want to know the gender and Mikko said: “Of course!” Then doctor looked at me and I asked her, weather she could see gender well. She told me with certain sureness, that she could see gender very well. So, I said, yes, we want to know baby’s gender. She said, that we are having a GIRL!


A GIRL! I was in shock and happiness at thee same time because I was always dreaming to have both a boy and a girl! I asked her maybe 5 times if she is sure or can it be a mistake. She told us, that she is pretty sure and she has been working in this position over 20 years and made only one mistake. Nowadays screening machines are so good that it is often well seen. However, it is so hard to believe but we are over the moon.

Mikko was so happy too, although, deep in hearts we were prepared for a boy. Mikko told me that his father has only boys and it somehow influence it. Anyway, we are so happy we are having a healthy baby and to have both boy and girl is just a dream.

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  1. ribbedtights | 20th Jan 20

    So happy for you … and what a great reveal … again! You all look so happy, and know this … I am happy for you as well.

    Also, great outfit for your reveal. Your white body looks beautiful, your pink skirt is fantastic and your nude tights are sensational.


    • Maria | 21st Jan 20

      Aww, thank you so much<3<3<3 I had this bodysuit in mind to put on but no any idea about skirt, so it was last minute choice. I have so few of them. You may find mostly dresses in my wardrobe)))

  2. rico | 29th Jan 20

    great news! congratulations! so beautiful pregnant style

  3. Janine | 9th Feb 20

    How nice! And your photos are wonderful. xxx

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