Spring in flowers

It is getting so warm here in Finland and my favorite cherry trees will start to blossom soon. This spring will be in flowers soon. I love flowers so much and flower print is one of my favorite. I am also crazy about twinning with my girl. So perfect flower print for twinning is really a trend this spring.

These beautiful twinning set we received with Milla from Newbie Finland. I love Newbie so much, and buy quite a lot of clothes from them from our store nearby. This set we got as a PR-gift and it is one of the most beautiful twinning sets for now in our collection. Milla has a red rose body size 86, although she is wearing 80 now. So, it will be still good for summer, since baby grow so fast.

My dress looks more of a lounge gown but it is a one size dress that can be regulated with belt. I also like this dress as it is easy for nursing. It is V-size with buttons. I like nursing dresses but quite often choose normal with opportunity to nurse))

She is getting so big, 10 months baby!

To tell the truth, this is now one of my favorite sets with her. Pictures turned out to be so beautiful and simple with spring flowers. It can be also that I am getting emotional, cause her first year birthday celebration is approaching.

About The Author


Fashion mama


  1. Janine | 8th Apr 21

    Oh Maria! These beautiful charming pictures brought tears to my eyes.

    • Maria | 9th Apr 21

      Aww, thank you so much! You make me me cry too <3

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