Little bit of this and that

Quite often when we go anywhere we carry a camera with us but snap only a few shots. Well I thought I could put all those photos together and post them all at once. The photos are from going to the market, going out shopping, in the opera house, visiting the zoo and going out to eat, in that order. She is wearing various different styles: double layers, patterned, sheers. I kind of like this kind of set which shows little bit of everything, how about you?

















About The Author


Fashion mama


  1. 15Denier | 27th Jul 14

    Great selection there 😀 Im also loving the variety. What kind are the mottled pair and the 2 tone pair? They look like fun :p Hey, Misha, is that your cellphone in your pants or..!

    • | 29th Jul 14

      The 2 tone pair are from Finnish brand Vogue but the mottled I cant remember.
      ps. Car keys in that pocket 😛

  2. rclosure | 27th Jul 14

    You guys take great photos. Very classy I must say.

  3. Anonymous | 29th Jul 14

    what a girl….. love u

  4. Anonymous | 29th Jul 14

    short clips plz… shiny ones lol

  5. Ribbed Tights | 4th Aug 14

    I love that every time you go out, it's a pantyhose adventure … and thankfully, you share this adventure with us! Great pictures. I especailly love the black and pink tights … very striking!

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