






























Finally I post these pictures from previous summer with one of my favorite tights – neon 40 by Wolford. These tights can be called a veteran and here is my story why. Mikko calls me fussy because I hurt myself at home meeting all the corners of the tables, bed and other pieces furniture. It causes runs to tights. These 40 Neon have experienced my unexpected iron heel and they survived! Every pair of tights can be damaged but Neon 40 is super durable that I have never had anything happened to them for 4 years! This fact proves their high durability and outstanding quality which they provide to the owner. You see I have been even posing in them on the asphalt and they are in perfect conditions! Love Neon also for their incredible shine!
Frankly speaking, I do care about my hosiery and I love how they care about me.

Enjoy this set and this gorgeous summer <3

xo M.


SHORTS: Lindex
Neon 40 by Wolford

About The Author


Fashion mama


  1. Michael Milton | 19th Jun 15

    Hey Maria,
    This pics are wonderful and you look so happy not to mantiki you look so stunning in those pantyhose and your hubby is a lucky man. Can you tell me do you wear pantyhose all the time?

    • | 20th Jun 15

      Hi Michael!

      Thank you) quite often, they are pretty comfortable. Sometimes I change to leggings or tights jeans.

  2. Fernando Luis Toncich | 20th Jun 15

    Hello Mary, how are you ? I simply magnificent this set of photos! You're more beautiful than ever , these stockings are truly spectacular , it can not be defined with words !!!

  3. Michael Milton | 20th Jun 15

    Hi Maria
    That's nice to know about you wearing pantyhose quiet often and do think you could try wearing pantyhose underneath shiny leggings?

  4. zed | 21st Jun 15

    very sexy please remove the shoes 🙂

  5. belette vibrante | 23rd Jun 15


  6. belette vibrante | 23rd Jun 15


  7. belette vibrante | 23rd Jun 15


  8. FINE NYLON | 24th Jun 15

    beautiful pics

  9. Michael Milton | 24th Jun 15

    Hi Maria ,
    How are you going babe?could u tell me how many pairs of pantyhose do u own? And have u done and any pics of you in pantyhose and leggings over top?

  10. Boris T | 27th Jun 15

    Эти колготки, как впрочем и все остальные, смотрятся великолепно с такими шортами. ИМХО – с шортами лучше смотрятся балетки, а с платьями – туфли на каблуках.
    Мне вообще не нравится русское слово "колготки", мне кажется, англоязычный вариант звучит лучше – как думаешь?
    И как насчет фотографий с леггинсами?

  11. Unknown | 8th Jul 15

    Spectacular, you are in great condition.

    great body.


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