My first pairs of Fogal from UK tights

Hi! I am very excited to present my first pairs of premium Swiss tights Fogal which I got from UK tights,
absolutely amazing shop and they have the largest selection of tights
in the world by far! They ship worldwide and pretty fast! Enjoy the video!


Fogal opaque 30
Fogal Catwalk 10

About The Author


Fashion mama


  1. Pasc Mann | 20th Apr 15

    Then try this one: …Amazing!

  2. rclosure | 20th Apr 15


  3. Kay Campbell | 20th Apr 15

    Lovely video Maria, (What camera are you using to record? it's so clear and the sound is great!) I've actually never tried Fogal either! ❤

    I absolutely love the pictures from Antwerp…seriously beautiful lighting and of course you look fabulous!

    Hope to see you again soon….❤!

    Love Kay I Tights and Ladders

    • | 20th Apr 15

      Hello Kay! I am glad to see you here and thank you for your sweet comment!

      We record on Olympus camera and have done all our videos on it. Recently Mikko has bought microphone with recorder and the sound is really great! You might notice I have a small microphone in the video.

      Take care and hope to see you again soon<3
      x Maria

  4. Ribbed Tights | 20th Apr 15

    Great review, as always. I like that you tell us useful information about the tights … information that we want to know about (from the wearer's perspective).

    I note that Fogal are quite expensive … similar to Wolford?! If you are spending this much money, would you prefer to wear Wolford? Or are Fogal is good as Wolford? I hope this is not an unfair question, but in terms of quality hosiery, Wolfrod is the mark that everybody compares against.

    As I said, great review and I can't wait for the next review!

    • | 20th Apr 15

      Thank you, Ribbed tights! Fogal are really amazing, quality is fabulous and they meet the premium standards. I would love to try other models of Fogal.

      Every brand is good in its own way. I like to explore and learn new models. Brand is successful when the company makes new techniques, models, meet customers' needs. It is hard for me to compare Wolford and Fogal as I have tried a lot of models of Wolford and only two of Fogal. One thing, I can say for sure, you can't go wrong with Wolford.

      x Maria

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