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Browsing Tag: cecilia de rafael

Skating on ice lake

So long time since last post! Mikko finally updated his camera. Previous camera got broken. Finally, we git a new one with different lenses. So, we decided to go skating on ice lake! Skating on the ice lake is really amazing if you acknowledge it. In summer were were going…

Sunny pinky mood

When the sun is coming out I just want to go out to catch its small amount of Vitamin D that we have here in the North. It is not so hot here in summers and I lack sunny days, though some people might start complaining that it is already…

Funny sporty

Hello guys! Here are some pictures when we reached milestone – 20 weeks! In this loose sweater from BikBok you can hardly say I am pregnant but this how it is. Two of my good friends were pregnant at the same time and one’s belly was really tiny…

It’s a BOY!

  SHOP MY STYLE: Baby BOY Thank you all for all your warmest wishes in my instagram account<3<3<3 All your kind words touched my heart<3 We were even offered a baby-bride already for our future baby-boy 🙂 Frankly speaking, from my experience…

Here and there

I have so many older posts for you, so I have to post them quickly before I start getting bigger 🙂 This set of pictures is when I was on my 19th week of pregnancy. Luckily normal tights still fit, though I have mentioned before that my body is growing especially…

Red Formula 1

To support Ferrari team in Formula 1 in May I put on red Ferrari dress, which Mikko bought for me when we were in Formula 1  races in Monza in Italy 2 years ago. You might have have seen this dress already in several posts in the blog. I love…

Another gorgeous Uppsala

Hi, it is Sunday! We have made a bunch of new pictures from spring/summer days. Although before posting them I wanted to share with you this post of my favorite Uppsala by Cecilia de Rafael with one more color in Upssala collection – Melanzana, which means eggplant in Spanish…

Easter in Dubai and Abu Dhabi or summer getaway

Dream come true Hello guys! I have been missing sharing my posts with you and hopefully you missed me too here in the blog. I will try to correct my sometime away here by compensating sharing with you my travel story to Dubai.Dubai is summer getaway but you will…


Hello! I got one more color of Uppsala in my collection and this time it is ‘fumo’ which means smoke in Spanish. With camera flash this color looks very close to green but in reality it is grey. These tights give an impression of leggings but they are…

Happy New Year 2017<3

  Happy New Year!!! I know I have not been posting enough last time so I promised to make a post on the 1st of January and here you go! Yesterday we went with friends to the centre of Helsinki to celebrate New Year. Frankly speaking, it is my first…